Training – Week Beginning 15 April

Sunday 21st April 2013

A good session on Saturday and a race midweek. Fairly happy with how training’s going.

Monday: 15km – easy out, quicker back with tailwind. (15)

Tuesday: AM 10km steady before work, PM 7km easy with Stephanie (17)

Wednesday: BMC 1200 – 3:22.33. Very windy. Last at 400, moved through. ~68,67,66. 10 min tempo after. (16)

Thursday: 20km easy (20)

Friday: 15km easy (15)

Saturday: 2×3200 alternating and tempo laps (70/83) with mile jog between: 10:14 and 10:13, 2km barefoot (18)

Sunday: 26km moderate – 1:45 (26)

Week total: 127km

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