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Plan B

Tuesday 10th July 2012

Today was a Plan B day.  After a week of very little running due to work commitments I was keen to get a good week of hard training in. Well, in fairness the work commitment was a school cycling trip that involved several hours of exercise per day. But still, it wasn’t running.

I went down to the track this afternoon with a plan to do a session I hadn’t done in a while, namely 10×600 with half-lap jog recoveries, and a rough idea of how fast I wanted to do them. I jogged to the 200m start line and started my watch. By 300 metres I was hideously out of breath and by 500 my legs were giving up. I crossed the line in roughly the time I had hoped for, but knew there was no way my legs were going to allow me another effort, let alone another 9. I sat on the wall and thought about what I should do. Having not considered the possibility of feeling terrible, there was no Plan B but it soon became ‘run home, get in the shower and have dinner.’ Then the athlete in me kicked in, and put forward his own suggestion of running a short effort (maybe 800 metres or a mile) flat out, thus relegating the previous plan to C. I then started to think rationally. I still wanted to run something fast but there is no point doing a massive session if your legs aren’t up to it, so I opted for 6×200 off 200 jog, a completely manageable session even on tired legs. I went easy on the first two, clocking outside 30 seconds and then pushed it on the next four. I was disappointed not to run the session I had planned but was pleased to have at least got some quality in, even though it was only about one mile’s worth in total. I dragged my weary legs back home, taking a longer route home in the vague hope that a long cool down would help my legs loosen up. It didn’t.

The idea of binning your session and doing something else is one I got from a friend and training partner. It makes perfect sense, I suppose, but you never hear about the pros doing it. Does Mo Farah ever turn up at the track for a session and say ‘8 times one mile? Sod that. I’m going home to watch the Arsenal game.’ I doubt it. Does Geoffrey Mutai ever wake up before a 40k tempo run and say ‘You know what, I don’t really fancy it today. I’m going back to bed.’ Of he doesn’t, that’s why he’s better than me.

Screw being sensible, I’m sticking to the schedule in future.

Training – Week Beginning 11 June

Sunday 17th June 2012

One day off. A good track session. Slightly heavy legs for the race on Thursday. I reckon I can go 15 seconds quicker on that course with better conditions and preparation.

Monday: Rest (0)

Tuesday: 1600,1200,800,400. Recovery equal to next rep distance. 4:45,3:31,2:14,62. Hard. (11)

Wednesday: Long bike ride, 6 easy (6)

Thursday: Rowheath 5k, 4th in 15:56. Rainy and cold. (12)

Friday:  12 easy (12)

Saturday: 6 mile tempo in 32:59, 3 miles of sprint straight/jog bend (14)

Sunday: 16 easy, 2 hours. Sore. (16)

Week total: 71 miles

2012 total: 1690 miles

Taken from my training log.

Thoughts on Pacing

Wednesday 6th June 2012

We did mile reps yesterday; 5 reps with a lap jog in between. I was really happy with how the session went, both in terms of how I managed to control the pace and the times I was clocking. I averaged 5:02 with the last couple under 5. A satisfying session all round, and an indicator that I’m starting to get in good shape after my post-marathon down time. I was helped greatly by Rob, whom I was training with on this occasion, and who paced me to at least 800 metres on most of them. The effect of this was that the first two laps were pretty much ‘free’ – I still had to do the work but it helped having someone set the pace. The thought of doing the session on my own was a daunting one so I was relieved when Rob’s name popped up on my phone yesterday morning asking what the session was. There are definite training benefits to training on your own, but on a cold and windy day I didn’t want to know about them. I wanted someone to follow.

This got me thinking about a few weeks ago when I went down to my local parkrun on Saturday morning. I was tired and had no intention of racing the 5k distance but wanted to get my legs moving, so I ran the first lap of approximately one mile with my friend Martin, who was leading the race. I then stopped and jogged until another friend, Dan caught up with me and we ran the rest of the 5k together as a tempo run. It never occured to us that we were doing anything wrong or unethical until the runner just behind us said “pacing is cheating,” referring of course to me having paced Martin around the first mile. Dan and I dismissed him as politely (I think) as we could and carried on. The debate continued after the run, and the other runner, who strangely didn’t seem to have any moral objection to tucking in behind us and running at our pace, wouldn’t let it drop. His argument was that it is a race rather than a time trial and that no one else gets someone to set the tempo for them. He was right, to an extent, but Martin couldn’t help it that no one turned up who was good enough to challenge him.  Would he have objected so much, had someone hammered the first mile and then pulled up injured, in the process setting a quick pace for others to follow? I’ve written about this before, when debate raged about the validity of Paula Radcliffe’s marathon world record, set with the assistance of male pacemakers. It wasn’t her fault that none of her competitors were good enough to challenge her on the day, so why deny her the chance to run a faster time?

I heard an interesting statistic recently; that 4 of the 5 men ranked below Hicham El Guerrouj in the all-time list for 1500m ran their personal bests whilst coming second to the great Moroccan. Everyone, it seems, benefits from a bit of pacing. Even El Guerrouj didn’t run those fast races as solo efforts; he had two or three guys capable of taking him to 1200 at world record pace. He then just had to hang on. Say what you like about the prevalence of EPO in the nineties and the fact that all the best times seem to come from the turn of the century, but the depth in middle distance running at that time was remarkable. Several guys were pushing each other and getting great times as a result. It is no co-incidence, then, that in this era where anything under 3:30 is considered outstanding, that the quality of pacemaking seems to have dropped too. The splits were all over the place at the Pre mile at the weekend, and the pacemakers rarely get it right for races over 800 metres. Anyone capable of doing it is in the race themself.

Of course, there is no right or wrong answer to all of this. I like the purity of championship races, where the pace is dictated by the athletes who are racing, and where the event is a genuine race and not a time trial. I also love watching people run super-fast times. In just the same way I love trying to run as fast as I can, but sometimes there’s nothing better than ditching the watch and getting in a good old-fashioned race.

Training – Week Beginning 28 May

Sunday 3rd June 2012

Took a day off for my birthday. Happy with the Thursday and Saturday sessions.

Monday: 12 easy (12)

Tuesday: 11 easy (11)

Wednesday: Rest (0)

Thursday: 3x4x350 off 50 jog / 800 between sets plus 4×200 off 200: 60, 59, 61,58-58,59,60,60-59,60,58,60-32,29,29,29 (11)

Friday: 9 easy. Very slow and sore (9)

Saturday: AM easy jog round town, PM mile hard in 4:45, 800 jog then 5 mile tempo in 27:19 (14)

Sunday: 18 easy. Cold and wet. (18)

Week total: 75 miles

2012 total: 1544 miles

Training – Week Beginning 21 May

Sunday 27th May 2012

A good week. Two track sessions and a race. Starting to get my fitness back.

Monday: 12 easy (12)

Tuesday: 4x2x1k off 1min/3min – 3:08/07/06/10/08/14/10/15. Hot and tough. Warm down further than planned. (15)

Wednesday: 9 easy – very slow (9)

Thursday: Track session 4×400 off 100 jog, 4×400 off 200 jog, 4×200 off 200 jog – 67/68/68/69-64/65/66/66-30/30/29/29 (10)

Friday: 2 hours (16)

Saturday: 9 easy (9)

Sunday: AM 3 easy PM Midland League 3000m, 4th (3rd A) in 9:07. (9)

Week total: 80 miles

2012 total: 1469 miles